Started by Coast Mountains School District
Export MARC data from Alexandria system
Edit to set the $branchname variable if your branch code is other than 'MAIN'
Run on this file, redirecting stdout and stderr to files kksexport.mrc >import.out 2>import.err
You may need to run this script several times before you get the import all figured out. Each time you run it, use the instructions at the bottom of this page to clear out the old bibliographic data from your Koha database.
The standard output of will be a human readable version of the MARC data.
Decide how the existing data is going to map to Koha's item types
Koha uses itemtypes to differentiate things like Fiction, Non-Fiction, CDs, CDROMs, Large Print, etc.
In my data, the 245 h marc subfield contained info like [book], [magazines], [cd], [computer disks], [puzzle] etc. so this was a good place to grab some itemtype info.
I also used the 008 fixed length data elements field to grab Literary Form (0 for non-fiction, 1 for fiction, etc.), target audience (b for primary, j for juvenile etc.)
Modify to generate appropriate item types
This can be tricky if you are not familiar with perl
Might be nice to add some templates to to assist in this task
Would also be nice if could step through each record and show what would be done before actually committing changes to the database
You may also need to edit your itemtypes to add or remove itemtypes according to your needs.
I populate my borrowers database from the same user database that is used on the school servers
I have a custom script that runs nightly that updates the Koha borrower database automatically
WARNING!!: These instructions are dangerous!! You should only do this on a clean Koha system where you are testing importing of MARC records from another library system. Do _NOT_ do this on a system which already has data stored in it. These instructions will delete ALL bibliographic and holdings data from the Koha database.
Connect to your Koha database
Delete all of the bibliographic data ←- warning, very dangerous!