Please contribute any ideas/features you would like to see in a new reserves system.
There needs to be a way to rank a patron at the bottom of the list, for example, for patrons that request they get the reserve last because they have a long checkout period ( ex., home delivery with a 3-month checkout period ) ( From Kyle/CCFLS )
There needs to be a way to re-rank patrons. For example, if a patron knows that they are going to be away ahead of time and don't want the reserve to be hold for them while they are gone, but would rather be bumped back 1 or 2 places in line so they can get the reserve at a later date. With the ranking done statically as it is now, all the ranks after them would have to be bumped down. ( From Kyle/CCFLS )
There is a place to enter a note about the reserve when it's being requested, but the note doesn't show up in the list of reserves. This would be a good place to add a note about the patron being unavailable between certain dates, etc. ( From Kyle/CCFLS )
* send text message to the bororower if a cell number is entered on their membership record. (Jo/HLT)