1704: Return an item to the wrong branch doesn't require confirmation of transfer
With AutomaticItemReturn turned on, the user is told to transfer, but there's
no dialog.
With AutomaticItemReturn turned off, the user isn't even told to transfer …
the user should be given a dialog and must confirm the transfer of the
Also, with IndependantBranches, returning to the wrong branch should warn the staff, but not check the item in
Without IndependantBranches, returning to the wrong branch should warn and require dialog depending
on the AutomaticItemReturn setting
Fix circulation reports (transfers to do, transfers to receive) — Ok transferstodo checks reserves to find what we should be transfering, transfers to receive looks at the transfers table for transfers that are in process. Transferstoreceive appears to work fine
1689: Circulation Rules doesn't take the default in account Issue with item level itypes
itemtypes.notforloan ignored when checking out an item (no bugzilla entry yet)
this needs to be tested with item-level and biblioitem-level itemtypes
110: Need to verify that renewalsallowed value in itemtypes is being honored for both item-level and biblioitem-level circs (depending on syspref), and if it is, go and fix up 641: Librarians should be able to override renewal limit. 110??Right, I got confused about the diff between 'renewalsallowed' and 'requestsallowed' … 110 is irrelevant for this issue, but bug 641 and checking that 'renewalsallowed' is working are still important – JF
1428: Can issue to expired patron if overriding existing reserve
1461: List of checkouts on circulation.pl should block renewals when necessary
1582: 'In Transit' not working for Independent Branches – confirm that items are transfered but not returned
1552: Fix ordering of checkouts list on circulation.pl
1551: Renewing doesn't move item out of “Previous Checkouts” table
1427: Circulation should include clearer expiration messages – lets add that message and get this one closed out
1626: Trim whitespace from barcode inputs (easy peasy … should do spaces and tabs)
1253: search results for patron name in circulation.pl are sorted case-sensitively
1515: Circulation warns of outstanding fines when patron has credit on their account
1711: Need to add syspref for which branch to select from issuingrules: borrower's or issuer's or item's. Libraries disagree about whether the circ matrix 'branch' option should apply at the Issuing Library, the Borrower's Library, or the Item's Home Branch, so we need to reinstate the 'CircControl' syspref, which is of type Choice with the following choices: PickupLibrary | PatronLibrary | ItemHomeLibrary The syspref is added to – JF
Loan length and fines rules need to be based on the branch specified in the syspref.
Libraries disagree about whether the fines should be calculated based on the Calendar so we need to re-instate the 'finesCalendar' syspref, which is of type Choice with the following choices: ignoreCalendar | noFinesWhenClosed The syspref is added to– JF
Fines should be calculated based on the method chosen in the 'finesCalendar' system preference
Test 'exempt fines on return'.
The syspref 'HomeorHoldingbranch' is deprecated and should be removed from updatedatabase (never added to sysprefs.sql) removed in – JF
US libraries require that overdues not exceed a specific amount per item type, so we need to re-add a column to itemtypes: maxOverdueCharge.
Koha needs to calculate the fine taking the value in the 'maxOverdueCharge' column into account.
fines-sanop.pl currently ignores branch settings and CircControl syspref.
use C4::Context→config(logdir) (added to installer by Galen) and the syspref 'finesMode' in 'test' mode, to write to a log and email the koha admin (to avoid spamming people when testing that fines are working correctly).