Needs to be updated
This list should give testers a good idea of what tasks they should be trying to perform when testing a release candidate. Report bugs at
Operating System
* Debian
* other
Setting Up
Add a couple of branches
Edit a branch
Add a printer
Edit a printer
Add some item types (make sure to create at least one itemtype with charges, and one itemtype with a 0 day loan length)
Edit an item type
Create different classes of borrowers
Add a book using normal acquisitions
Add a book using simple acquisitions
Add a book by importing a marc record
Add a book by using the Z39.50 client
Modify a book
Issue some books to various patrons
Set different classes of borrowers and see if circulation amounts are restricted
Return books
Check for appropriate charges
Check for non-circulating books (ie reference materials)
Check for appropriate due dates
Reserve a book
Attempt to issue a reserved book
Issue a book to a patron who has a reserve waiting
Have several patrons reserve the same book
Transfer books between branches