RFC Advanced cataloging search

For 3.2, Howard County Library proposes adding the same advanced search options that you find on the Search > Advanced Search page on the Koha staff side to the Cataloging search accessible under the “More” menu.

In addition to all of those fields it is also necessary to search by:

  • Biblio#
  • Control# (from the 001 MARC bibliographic tag)
  • LCCN (from the 010 MARC bibliographic tag)
  • Music# (from the 028 and maybe 037 - MARC bibliographic tags)

It is also desired to add the option to include a “Sort By:” drop-down menu on the search results screen, and have the same sorting options available right from the advanced catalog search. This sorting functionality would mimic the functionality currently found under Search > Advanced Search.

en/development/rfcs3.2/advanced_cataloging_search.txt · Last modified: 2008/09/12 08:58 by danny.bouman
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