RFC : Output order upon closing the basket

Currently, when the basket is closed, Koha doesn't do anything, except that one can now follow the order within acquisition. Proposition would be that when one clicks on the “close this basket” link, Koha looks at a system preference and either:

The library's choice of either the printed form, the CSV file or the email would be made by the librarian through radiobuttons. The vendor's record would have a “preferred order mode” radiobutton choice (csv/mail/print) and Koha would preselect the right radiobutton in the order; the librarian can change the mode on a case by case basis, but it's selected according to the preference in the vendor's record.

en/development/rfcs3.2/enhance-closing-basket.txt · Last modified: 2008/09/24 01:55 by nicomo
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