Receive Order - Complete details

Q: What does it mean to Receive an Order?

A: When an item arrives you need to let the system know by completing the original Order form in the Acquisitions module. This is “receiving” it.

Q: Which fields should be filled out?

A: Fill out as many fields as you can. This will serve as the basis for the Bibliographic Record so the more fields that are completed the more comprehensive the Bib record will be.

Q: Are there mandatory fields?

A: Yes. You must fill out the following:

  • Barcode
  • Quantity Received

Q: Can I scan a barcode in?

A: Yes. Make sure “automatic enter” is disabled when scanning barcodes.

Q: What happens if there are several copies of one title?

A: If you are receiving several copies of a title, separate each barcode with the bar | character

Q: What does “Actual Cost” mean?

A: The form may have a cost entered already however this may differ from the actual cost on the invoice

en/documentation/ · Last modified: 2006/06/12 18:45 by
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