<h1>Catalogue stats help</h1> <p>This page is to be used as a wizard to compose two entries table stats on catalogue.</p> <p>You must bear in mind what the table will look like :</p> <p> <table>

<tr> <td> row/colunm </td> <td> column criteria1 </td> <td> column criteria2 </td> <td> total rows</td> </tr>
<tr> <td> row criteria1</td> <td> count11 </td> <td> count12 </td> <td>total row1 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> row criteria2</td> <td> count21 </td> <td> count22 </td> <td>total row2 </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> Total cols</td> <td> total col1</td> <td> total col2</td> <td> Global total</td> </tr>

<p> For instance, if you choose to check row for itemtype, Column for Branches, you will be displayed a table containing the different itemtypes on rows, and different branchcodes on columns as such : </p><p> <table>

<tr> <td> catcode/branchcode </td> <td> BranchA</td> <td> BranchB</td> <td> total </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> BOOKS</td> <td> 12 </td> <td> 22 </td> <td>34</td> </tr>
<tr> <td> ISSUES</td> <td> 11</td> <td> 12 </td> <td>23</td> </tr>
<tr> <td> Total </td> <td> 33</td> <td> 34</td> <td> 57</td> </tr>

</p><p> You can choose to display the results on screen or get them in your office suite (would it be gnucalc, oocalc, or another calc) with the radio button display. You can change the set of the file generated changing Export in the textarea. </p> <p> <h2> Criteria on row/column</h2> <ul> <li>Dewey Classification. You can group results on the n first digits</li> <li>Callnumber. You can group results on the n first characters</li> <li>Document Type</li> <li>Publication Year</li> <li>Home Branch</li> <li>Location</li> </ul> </p> <p> <h2> Filters </h2> <ul> <li>Callnumber and Dewey Classification can be filtered from a string to another. You can use jokers.</li> <li>You can select one document type.</li> <li>Publication Year</li> <li>You can select one branch as Home Branch</li> <li>Location</li> </ul> </p>

Online Help from Katipo:

Catalogue statistics

Terms in Reports

  • Dewey Classification - enter a range
  • Callnumber - enter a range
  • Document Type / itemtype
  • Publisher / publishercode - enter a full or part name.
  • Publication Year / publicationyear
  • Home Branch / items.homebranch - select a branch.
  • Location / items.location - select a branch

You can choose to view the reports on screen or export them to a spreadsheet readable format. You will need to name the spreadsheet with an appropriate name as you save it.

en/documentation/catalogue_stats.pl.txt · Last modified: 2006/07/20 18:51 by amanda_katipo.co.nz
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