Order History

Search Order History

Q: What is this feature for?

A: It displays all orders that have been made, when the order was placed, when it was recevied, quantity ordered and cost.

Q: Can I search for a specific order on this page?

A: This page is set up so that you can filter the list by either:

  • Title
  • Author
  • Supplier

You can enter either a full or partial name. To search on a specific order go back to the first Acquisitions screen – “Receive or Modify an Order.”

Q: Can you access the Order record?

A: Yes, click the link in the Title column and it will take you to the Shopping Basket that contains that order. Locate the order in the Shopping Basket and click Edit.

en/documentation/histsearch.pl.txt · Last modified: 2006/06/12 21:01 by amanda_katipo.co.nz
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