This script will read a file of isbn numbers.

It is designed to hit the Library of Congress z3950 server. The server will return a marc record if the isbn number is found. If the isbn isn't found the number is placed into an error file. Many modern books have the isbn number bar-coded on the back cover. You can simply scan the barcodes into a text file and use the script below.

This script was built using perl v 5.8.8 using Net::Z3950::ZOOM.
It updates
search the database for isbn

a sample isbn text file produced by scanning the barcode found on some books

Script source code

use ZOOM;
open(INFILE, "/home/mike2/Desktop/isbn.txt");
@query = <INFILE>;
close INFILE;
$totalisbns = @query;
$totalfound = 0;
open FILE, ">/home/mike2/Desktop/goodstuff.txt";
open ERRFILE, ">/home/mike2/Desktop/isbnbad.txt";
# Establish connection
$conn = new ZOOM::Connection('', 7090,
databaseName => 'Voyager')
or die "Can not connect $!";
#$conn->option(querytype => 'ccl2rpn');
#$conn->option(elementSetName => "f");
$conn->option(preferredRecordSyntax =>
# Take each query from ISBN file
foreach $q (@query)
#$q = s/^/isbn=/;
$rs = $conn->search_pqf($q);
#$rs = $conn->search($q);
print "Could not find ISBN: ", $q, "\n";
print ERRFILE $q, "\n";
# You can change the IP address, Port number and database name
# in the following line
#$conn = new::ZOOM::Connection('', 7090,
#databaseName => 'voyager')
#or die "Can not connect $!" ;
#$conn->option(querytype => 'ccl2rpn');
#$conn->option(elementSetName => "f");
#$conn->option(preferredRecordSyntax => 
print "Getting Record for ISBN: ", $q, "\n";
#$rec = $rs->record(1);
#$record = $rec->rawdata();
$rec = $rs->record(0);
if($record = /^Failed/)
print "Found ", $rs->size(), "records, BUT ", $record, "\n";
print "adding ", $q, " to not found list\n";
print ERRFILE $q, "\n";
# Uncomment the following line, if you do not want CDS/ISIS export
# print OUTFILE $record;
# Comment the following upto 'end of for' if you do not want CDS/ISIS
#$len = length($record);
#for($i=0; $i < $len; $i=$i+80)
#$s = substr($record, $i, 80);
#$recsep = chr(29);
#$fldsep = chr(30);
#$subsep = chr(31);
#$s = s/$recsep/#/g;
#$s = s/$fldsep/#/g;
#$s = s/$subsep/^/g;
#print OUTFILE "$s\n";
#} # end of for
#} #end of else
#} # end of foreach
print FILE $rec->raw();
print "Total $totalfound / $totalisbns reocrds printed\n";
close OUTFILE;

Also here. Creator: Michael Reavey, mrmrmr50 at

en/documentation/perl_script_using_zoom_for_marc_records_from_z3950_server.txt · Last modified: 2010/02/26 12:48 by pabloab
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