<li class=“L1” >Cataloguing.<dl><dt class=“doc”>Documentation.</dt><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/Description2_2.html#d0e555”><cite>Paul. Poulain. Koha 2.2 : software overview and description of features : features : cataloguing module.</cite></a></dd><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/Logiciel_documentaire2_2.html#d0e529”><cite>Paul Poulain. Koha 2.2 : logiciel documentaire, description fonctionnelle : fonctionnalit� : module catalogage.</cite></a></dd><dt class=“demo”>Demonstrations.</dt><dd><a href=“http:koha.liblime.com/cgi-bin/koha/acqui.simple/addbiblio.pl”>Koha Development Team. Koha : add MARC record (default framework).</a></dd><dd><a href=“http:demo.koha-fr.org/cgi-bin/koha/acqui.simple/addbiblio.pl”>Koha Development Team. Koha : notice n grille default.</a></dd><dd><a href=“http:demo.koha-fr.org/cgi-bin/koha/acqui.simple/addbiblio.pl?oldbiblionumber=&frameworkcode=WEB”>Koha Development Team. Koha : notice n grille ressource web.</a></dd><dd><a href=“http:demo.koha-fr.org/cgi-bin/koha/acqui.simple/addbiblio.pl?oldbiblionumber=&frameworkcode=PER”>Koha Development Team. Koha : notice n grille p�iodique.</a></dd><dd><a href=“http:koha.liblime.com/cgi-bin/koha/bull/subscription-add.pl?”>Koha Development Team. Koha : add a subscription.</a></dd><dd><a href=“http:demo.koha-fr.org/cgi-bin/koha/bull/subscription-add.pl?”>Koha Development Team. Koha : ajout d'abonnement.</a></dd><dt class=“demo”>Demonstration Examples.</dt><dd><a href=“http:demo.koha-fr.org/cgi-bin/koha/MARCdetail.pl?bib=9860”>Koha Development Team. Koha : catalogue : notice n9860 [Physical review letters].</a></dd><dd><a href=“http:demo.koha-fr.org/cgi-bin/koha/bull/subscription-add.pl?op=mod&subscriptionid=4”>Koha Development Team. Koha : catalogue : editer : modifier l'abonnement [Physical review letters].</a></dd><dd><a href=“http:demo.koha-fr.org/cgi-bin/koha/bull/statecollection.pl?subscriptionid=4”>Koha Development Team. Koha : catalogue : r�eptionner : abonnement pour Physical review letters.</a></dd><dd><a href=“http:demo.koha-fr.org/cgi-bin/koha/bull/subscription-detail.pl?subscriptionid=4”>Koha Development Team. Koha : catalogue : d�ail : abonnement [: Physical review letters].</a></dd></dl> <ol> <li class=“L2” >Record Importing. <ol> <li class=“L3” >Record Importing Formats. <ol> <li class=“L4” >MARC Formats. <ol> <li class=“L5” >MARC 21. <ol> <li class=“L6” >MARC 21 Record Formats. <ol> <li class=“L7” >MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data. <ol> <li class=“L8” >Holdings imported from files after record filtering to support holdings in local use field for Koha.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3]<dl><dt class=“doc”>Documentation.</dt><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/migrate_your_data.html”><cite>Paul Poulain. Koha : Set parameters and migrate your data to Koha 2.2.</cite></a></dd><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/migrer_ses_donnees.html”><cite>Paul Poulain. Param�rer et migrer ses donn�s vers Koha 2.2.</cite></a></dd><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/migrating_to_koha.html”><cite>Stephen Hedges. Migrating to Koha ver. 2.0.0.</cite></a></dd><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/holdings.html”><cite>Thomas Dukleth. MARC holdings, Koha, and migration.</cite></a></dd><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/command_line_scripts.html#d0e422”><cite>Paul Poulain. Command-line scripts : the scripts : migration_tools/bulkmarcimport.pl.</cite></a></dd><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/scripts_commande.html#d0e360”><cite>Paul Poulain. Scripts ligne de commande : les scripts : misc/migration_tools/bulkmarcimport.pl.</cite></a></dd><dt class=“demo”>Demonstrations.</dt><dd><a href=“http:koha.liblime.com/cgi-bin/koha/import/breeding.pl”>Koha Development Team. Koha : MARC acquisition system : import into the reservoir.</a></dd><dd><a href=“http:demo.koha-fr.org/cgi-bin/koha/import/breeding.pl”>Koha Development Team. Koha : param�res : importer dans le r�ervoir.</a></dd></dl> <li class=“L8” >Direct use of standard holdings fields.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L7” >MARC 21 Format for Authority Data. <ol> <li class=“L8” >May be built automatically from the collective bibliographic records after modification of the UNIMARC authorities building scripts.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3]<dl><dt class=“doc”>Documentation.</dt><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/command_line_scripts.html#d0e375”><cite>Paul Poulain. Command-line scripts : the scripts : migration_tools/buildLANG.pl [to migration_tools/build6xx.pl].</cite></a></dd><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/scripts_commande.html#d0e313”><cite>Paul Poulain. Scripts ligne de commande : les scripts : misc/migration_tools/buildLANG.pl [to misc/migration_tools/build6xx.pl].</cite></a></dd><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/command_line_scripts.html#d0e234”><cite>Paul Poulain. Command-line scripts : the scripts : merge_authorities.pl.</cite></a></dd><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/scripts_commande.html#d0e176”><cite>Paul Poulain. Scripts ligne de commande : les scripts : misc/merge_authorities.pl.</cite></a></dd></dl> <li class=“L8” >Importing preexisting authority records.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] </ol> <li class=“L7” >MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data. <ol> <li class=“L8” >Holdings imported after record filtering to support holdings in linked bibliographic record.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L8” >Direct use of holdings record.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L7” >MARC 21 Format for Classification Data.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <li class=“L7” >MARC 21 Format for Community Information.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L6” >MARC 21 Character Sets.&nbsp; <a href=“ABCDLSSM2CS”>[see Library Standards Support]</a> </ol> <li class=“L5” >UNIMARC. <ol> <li class=“L6” >UINMARC Record Formats. <ol> <li class=“L7” >UNIMARC Bibliographic Format. <ol> <li class=“L8” >Holdings imported from files after record filtering to support holdings in local use field adapted from French Recommendation 995.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3]<dl><dt class=“doc”>Documentation.</dt><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/migrate_your_data.html”><cite>Paul Poulain. Koha : Set parameters and migrate your data to Koha 2.2.</cite></a></dd><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/migrer_ses_donnees.html”><cite>Paul Poulain. Param�rer et migrer ses donn�s vers Koha 2.2.</cite></a></dd><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/migrating_to_koha.html”><cite>Stephen Hedges. Migrating to Koha ver. 2.0.0.</cite></a></dd><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/holdings.html”><cite>Thomas Dukleth. MARC holdings, Koha, and migration.</cite></a></dd><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/command_line_scripts.html#d0e422”><cite>Paul Poulain. Command-line scripts : the scripts : migration_tools/bulkmarcimport.pl.</cite></a></dd><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/scripts_commande.html#d0e360”><cite>Paul Poulain. Scripts ligne de commande : les scripts : misc/migration_tools/bulkmarcimport.pl.</cite></a></dd><dt class=“demo”>Demonstrations.</dt><dd><a href=“http:koha.liblime.com/cgi-bin/koha/import/breeding.pl”>Koha Development Team. Koha : MARC acquisition system : import into the reservoir.</a></dd><dd><a href=“http:demo.koha-fr.org/cgi-bin/koha/import/breeding.pl”>Koha Development Team. Koha : param�res : importer dans le r�ervoir.</a></dd></dl> <li class=“L8” >Direct use of standard holdings fields.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L7” >UNIMARC Authorities. <ol> <li class=“L8” >May be built automatically from the collective bibliographic records.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3]<dl><dt class=“doc”>Documentation.</dt><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/command_line_scripts.html#d0e375”><cite>Paul Poulain. Command-line scripts : the scripts : migration_tools/buildLANG.pl [to migration_tools/build6xx.pl].</cite></a></dd><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/scripts_commande.html#d0e313”><cite>Paul Poulain. Scripts ligne de commande : les scripts : misc/migration_tools/buildLANG.pl [to misc/migration_tools/build6xx.pl].</cite></a></dd><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/command_line_scripts.html#d0e234”><cite>Paul Poulain. Command-line scripts : the scripts : merge_authorities.pl.</cite></a></dd><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/scripts_commande.html#d0e176”><cite>Paul Poulain. Scripts ligne de commande : les scripts : misc/merge_authorities.pl.</cite></a></dd></dl> <li class=“L8” >Importing preexisting authority records.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] </ol> <li class=“L7” >UNIMARC Holdings Format. <ol> <li class=“L8” >Holdings imported after record filtering to support holdings in linked bibliographic record.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L8” >Direct use of holdings record.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L7” >UNIMARC Classification Format.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L6” >UNIMARC Character Sets.&nbsp; <a href=“ABCDLSSUCS”>[see Library Standards Support]</a> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L4” >Non-MARC Formats. <ol> <li class=“L5” >Original Koha Non-MARC Data Structure. <ol> <li class=“L6” >Original Koha Non-MARC Bibliographic Records. <ol> <li class=“L7” >After original Koha non-MARC bibliographic record to Dublin Core in METS format conversion.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <li class=“L7” >After original Koha non-MARC bibliographic record to MARC 21 bibliographic format migration.&nbsp; [possible, if anyone ever wants this] <li class=“L7” >After original Koha non-MARC bibliographic record to UNIMARC bibliographic format migration.&nbsp; [possible, if anyone ever wants this] </ol> <li class=“L6” >Koha non-MARC character sets.&nbsp; <a href=“ABCDLSSKNMCS”>[see Library Standards Support]</a> </ol> <li class=“L5” >Dublin Core in METS Format.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <li class=“L5” >ONIX.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <li class=“L5” >XML.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L4” >Record Enhancement. <ol> <li class=“L5” >Patron Added Notes. <ol> <li class=“L6” >Simple General Notes Fields.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <li class=“L6” >Several Notes Field Types.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <li class=“L6” >Plugins for Value Lists and Accelerating Data Entry.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L7” >Prepackaged default plugins for several fields and subfields. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L5” >Automated Record Enhancement.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L6” >Prepackaged record format duplicate record searching. <li class=“L6” >Duplicate record matching. <ol> <li class=“L7” >MARC, ONIX, and web services records. </ol> <li class=“L6” >Duplicate record linking. <li class=“L6” >Enhanced field detection. <ol> <li class=“L7” >Prepackaged record format enhancement rules. </ol> </ol> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L3” >Record Communication. <ol> <li class=“L4” >Z39.50 client. <ol> <li class=“L5” >Parallel Searching of Multiple Servers.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3]<dl><dt class=“doc”>Documentation.</dt><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/Description2_2.html#d0e657”><cite>Paul Poulain. Koha 2.2 : software overview and description of features : feaatures : cataloguing module : fast cataloguing.</cite></a></dd><dd><a href=“http:www.kohadocs.org/Logiciel_documentaire2_2.html#d0e629”><cite>Paul Poulain. Koha 2.2 : logiciel documentaire, description fonctionnelle : fonctionnalit� : module catalogage : catalogage rapide.</cite></a></dd><dt class=“demo”>Demonstrations.</dt><dd><a href=“http:koha.liblime.com/cgi-bin/koha/admin/z3950servers.pl”>Koha Development Team. Koha : system administration : Z39.50 servers administration.</a></dd><dd><a href=“http:demo.koha-fr.org/cgi-bin/koha/admin/z3950servers.pl”>Koha Development Team. Koha : param�res : gestion des serveurs Z39.50.</a></dd></dl> <li class=“L5” >Copy Cataloguing Searches Directly from the Record Editor.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L5” >Copy Cataloguing Searches Directly from Administrative Catalogue. <li class=“L5” >Server (Target) Selection. <ol> <li class=“L6” >Targets search order.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L6” >Target groups.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L5” >Result Set Specification.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L6” >User Options. <ol> <li class=“L7” >Multiple Sort Criteria. <ol> <li class=“L8” >Record fields. <li class=“L8” >Record quality. <ol> <li class=“L9” >Encoded bibliographic level. <li class=“L9” >Completeness. </ol> </ol> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L5” >Results Forms (following retrieval of result set). <ol> <li class=“L6” >Selection List. <ol> <li class=“L7” >Record List Views. <ol> <ol> <li class=“L9” >Semantically meaningful field labels.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <li class=“L9” >Limited fields.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L9” >Adequate fields to distinguish common manifestation differences.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <li class=“L9” >All fields.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <li class=“L9” >Record quality score.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> </ol> <li class=“L7” >Resorting.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <li class=“L7” >Copy Catalogue Selection from Selection List.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L7” >View Selection from Selection List.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L6” >Record Display.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L7” >Detailed Views. <ol> <li class=“L8” >All fields. </ol> <li class=“L7” >Copy Catalogue Selection from Record Display. </ol> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L4” >ZING:&nbsp; Next generation Z39.50.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <a href=“ABCDLSSZ”>[see Library Standards Support]</a> <ol> <li class=“L5” >CQL. </ol> <li class=“L4” >OAI-PMH client.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> </ol> <li class=“L2” >Record Type Frameworks. <ol> <li class=“L3” >Control fields for record type. <ol> <li class=“L4” >Semantically Meaningful Field Name Setting.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <ol> <li class=“L5” >Record editor and administrative catalogue setting. <li class=“L5” >OPAC setting. </ol> <li class=“L4” >Repeatability Setting.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L4” >Linking to Original Koha Non-MARC Record Structure at Field or Subfield Group Level Setting.&nbsp; <a href=“ABCDLSSKNM”>[see Library Standards Support]</a> [required for full MARC compliance] [forthcomng, version 3.0] <li class=“L4” >Linking to Original Koha Non-MARC Record Structure at Field or Subfield Group Level Setting.&nbsp; [required for full MARC compliance] [forthcomng, version 3.0] <ol> <li class=“L5” >Search Against other Related Fields and Field/Subfields Groups in the Editor, Administrative Catalogue and OPAC Setting.&nbsp; [required for authority standards compliance] [forthcoming, version 3.0] <ol> <li class=“L6” >Match against multiple separate indexes. </ol> <li class=“L5” >Hyperlink Appearance at the Field and Field/Subields Group Level in Administrative Catalogue, and OPAC for Searching Setting.&nbsp; [required for authority standards compliance] [forthcoming, version 3.0] </ol> <li class=“L4” >Mandatory Completion in Editor Setting. <ol> <li class=“L5” >Mandatory completion setting.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L5” >Automatically set by plugin based on values previously entered in record during record editing.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L6” >User creatable plugins. <li class=“L6” >Default prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L4” >Recommended Completion Reminder in Editor Setting.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L5” >Recommended completion setting. <li class=“L5” >Automatically set by plugin based on values previously entered in record during record editing. <ol> <li class=“L6” >User creatable plugins. <li class=“L6” >Default prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L4” >Appearance in Editor, Administrative Catalogue, and OPAC for Whole Field Setting.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L5” >Global. <li class=“L5” >Patron and staff privelege type appearance restriction.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L4” >Privilege Based Editing for Whole Field Setting. <ol> <li class=“L5” >Preexisting Field Editing. <ol> <li class=“L6” >Same User Created Field Editing.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <li class=“L6” >Staff type privilege based field editing setting.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] </ol> <li class=“L5” >Field Insertion. <ol> <li class=“L6” >Repeatable Field Insertion.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <ol> <li class=“L7” >Patron and staff type privilege based field insertion setting. </ol> <li class=“L6” >Comprehensive Field Insertion.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L7” >Staff type privilege based field insertion setting. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L5” >Preexisting repeatable field ordering.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <ol> <li class=“L6” >Same user created repeatable field ordering.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <li class=“L6” >Staff type privilege based preexisting repeatable field ordering.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <li class=“L6” >Automatic rule based repeatable field ordering.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <ol> <li class=“L7” >Staff created field ordering by staff type privelege rules setting. <li class=“L7” >Patron created field ordering by patron type privelege rules setting. <li class=“L7” >Date modifier rules setting. </ol> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L4” >Value Control at Whole Field Level or Subfield Group Level.&nbsp; [required for MARC compliance] <ol> <li class=“L5” >Default Values Setting. <ol> <li class=“L6” >User defined.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <li class=“L6” >Default prepackaged values.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] </ol> <li class=“L5” >Value list setting for selecting values from pop-up window in editor. <ol> <li class=“L6” >User defined.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <li class=“L6” >Default prepackaged value lists.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <li class=“L6” >Different value lists for different positions and position groups in coded fixed width fields and subfields.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <li class=“L6” >Value lists automatically set by plugin based on values previously entered in record during record editing when applicable.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L7” >User creatable plugins. <li class=“L7” >Default prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L5” >Plugin value list setting for selecting values from pop-up window in editor.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <ol> <li class=“L6” >User creatable plugins. <li class=“L6” >Default prepackaged plugins. <li class=“L6” >Different plugins for value lists for different positions and position groups in coded fixed width fields and subfields.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L7” >Plugins automatically set by plugin based on values previously entered in record during record editing when applicable.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L8” >User creatable plugins. <li class=“L8” >Default prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L5” >Authority record whole field or field/subfields group setting for bibliographic record frameworks for searching authority records to select authorised values from authority records from pop-up window in editor.&nbsp; [required for authority standards compliance] [forthcoming, version 3.0] <li class=“L5” >Automatically set by plugin based on values previously entered in record during record editing when applicable.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L6” >User creatable plugins. <li class=“L6” >Default prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L4” >Indicator Control. <ol> <li class=“L5” >Indicators for Field Setting.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <li class=“L5” >Mandatory Completion in Editor Setting.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L6” >Mandatory completion setting. <li class=“L6” >Mandatory completion settings for each indicator. <li class=“L6” >Automatically changeable from plugin based on values previously entered in record during record editing. <ol> <li class=“L7” >User creatable plugins. <li class=“L7” >Default prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L5” >Recommended Completion Reminder in Editor Setting.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L6” >Recommended completion setting. <li class=“L6” >Recommended completion settings for each indicator. <li class=“L6” >Automatically changeable from plugin based on values previously entered in record during record editing. <ol> <li class=“L7” >User creatable plugins. <li class=“L7” >Default prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L5” >Appearance in Editor, Administrative Catalogue, and OPAC Setting. <ol> <li class=“L6” >Global.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <li class=“L6” >Appearance restricted by patron and staff privelege type.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L5” >Privilege Based Editing. <ol> <li class=“L6” >Preexisting Indicator Editing. <li class=“L6” >Same User Created Indicator Editing.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <li class=“L6” >Staff Type Privilege Based Indicator Editing Setting.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L7” >Staff type privilege based indicator editing setting. <ol> <li class=“L8” >Each position in fixed width coded fields and subfields editing setting.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L5” >Indicator Value Control. <ol> <li class=“L6” >Default Values Setting. <ol> <li class=“L7” >User defined.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <li class=“L7” >Default prepackaged values.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] </ol> <li class=“L6” >Value list setting for selecting values from pop-up window in editor. <ol> <li class=“L7” >User defined.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L7” >Default prepackaged value lists.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L7” >Different value lists for different indicators when multiple indicators are used.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <li class=“L7” >Value lists automatically set by plugin based on values previously entered in record during record editing when applicable.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L8” >User creatable plugins. <li class=“L8” >Default prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L6” >Automatically set by plugin based on values previously entered in record during record editing when applicable.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L7” >User creatable plugins. <li class=“L7” >Default prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L4” >Subfield and Coded Control Field Control. <ol> <li class=“L5” >Set Subfields for Field. <li class=“L5” >Set Semantically Meaningful Subfield Name.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <ol> <li class=“L6” >Record editor and administrative catalogue setting. <li class=“L6” >OPAC setting. </ol> <li class=“L5” >Repeatability Setting. <ol> <li class=“L6” >No repeatable subfield insertion for original editing.&nbsp; [affects some records, current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L6” >Repeatable subfield insertion for original editing.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] </ol> <li class=“L5” >Linking to Original Koha Non-MARC Record Structure Setting.&nbsp; <a href=“ABCDLSSKNM”>[see Library Standards Support]</a> [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L5” >Search Against other Related Field/Subfields in the Editor, Administrative Catalogue and OPAC Setting. <ol> <li class=“L6” >Collective indexing.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L6” >Match against multiple separate indexes.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] </ol> <li class=“L5” >Hyperlink Appearance in Administrative Catalogue, and OPAC for Searching Setting.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L5” >Mandatory Completion in Editor Setting.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L6” >Mandatory completion setting. <li class=“L6” >Mandatory completion settings for each position in fixed width coded fields and subfields. <li class=“L6” >Automatically changeable from plugin based on values previously entered in record during record editing. <ol> <li class=“L7” >User creatable plugins. <li class=“L7” >Default prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L5” >Recommended Completion Reminder in Editor Setting.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L6” >Recommended completion setting. <li class=“L6” >Recommended completion settings for each position in fixed width coded fields and subfields. <li class=“L6” >Automatically changeable from plugin based on values previously entered in record during record editing. <ol> <li class=“L7” >User creatable plugins. <li class=“L7” >Default prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L5” >Appearance in Editor, Administrative Catalogue, and OPAC Setting. <ol> <li class=“L6” >Global.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L6” >Appearance restricted by patron and staff privelege type.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L5” >Default Subfield Order and Grouping in Editor Setting. <ol> <li class=“L6” >Field based defaults order. <li class=“L6” >Grouping of subfields for multiple subfield insertion in editor.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L5” >Privilege Based Editing. <ol> <li class=“L6” >Preexisting Subield Editing. <li class=“L6” >Same User Created Subfield Editing.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <li class=“L6” >Staff Type Privilege Based Subfield Editing Setting.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L7” >Staff type privilege based fixed width control field and control subfield editing setting. <ol> <li class=“L8” >Each position in fixed width coded fields and subfields editing setting.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> </ol> <li class=“L6” >Subfield and Subfields Group Insertion. <ol> <li class=“L7” >Repeatable Subfields Group insertion. [forthcoming, version 3.0] <ol> <li class=“L8” >Patron and staff type privilege based subfields group insertion setting. </ol> <li class=“L7” >Comprehensive Subfield Insertion.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <ol> <li class=“L8” >Staff type privilege based subfield insertion setting. </ol> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L5” >Value Control. <ol> <li class=“L6” >Default values setting. <ol> <li class=“L7” >User defined.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <li class=“L7” >Default prepackaged values.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] </ol> <li class=“L6” >Value list setting for selecting values from pop-up window in editor. <ol> <li class=“L7” >User defined.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L7” >Default prepackaged value lists.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L7” >Different value lists for different positions and position groups in coded fixed width fields and subfields.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <li class=“L7” >Value lists automatically set by plugin based on values previously entered in record during record editing when applicable.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L8” >User creatable plugins. <li class=“L8” >Default prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L6” >Plugin value list setting for selecting values from pop-up window in editor.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L7” >User creatable plugins. <li class=“L7” >Default prepackaged plugins. <li class=“L7” >Different plugins for value lists for different positions and position groups in coded fixed width fields and subfields.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L8” >Plugins automatically set by plugin based on values previously entered in record during record editing when applicable.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L9” >User creatable plugins. <li class=“L9” >Default prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L6” >Authority record field/subfield combination setting for bibliographic record frameworks for searching authority records to select authorised values from pop-up window in editor.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L6” >Automatically set by plugin based on values previously entered in record during record editing when applicable.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L7” >User creatable plugins. <li class=“L7” >Default prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> </ol> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L2” >Record Editing. <ol> <li class=“L3” >Guided Forms Based Record Editing using Record Frameworks. <ol> <li class=“L4” >Form Design. <ol> <li class=“L5” >Tabbed form.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L5” >Automatically paged.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L4” >Field Editing. <ol> <li class=“L5” >Field Appearance. <ol> <li class=“L6” >Controlled by subfield or fixed width control field appearance setting in framework.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L6” >Automatically set by framework plugin based on values previously entered in record during record editing when applicable.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L5” >Field Insertion. <ol> <li class=“L6” >Repeatable field insertion.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L6” >Insertion of fields set in framework to not appear in editor.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L5” >Repeated Field Ordering. <ol> <li class=“L6” >Set from previous order for fields already entered with newly inserted fields appended.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L6” >User modifiable per record field order.&nbsp; [required for MARC compliance] [forthcoming, version 3.0] </ol> <li class=“L5” >Values Entry Guidance. <ol> <li class=“L6” >Bibliographic Entry from Authority Records. <ol> <li class=“L7” >Search of authority records in pop-up window to select heading from authorised whole field or field/subfields group heading from pop-up window.&nbsp; [required for authority standards compliance] [forthcoming, version 3.0] <ol> <li class=“L8” >Search match against tracings and references finds authorised headings. </ol> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L5” >Indicator Editing. <ol> <li class=“L6” >Values Entry Guidance. <ol> <li class=“L7” >Value list selection from pop-up windows.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L7” >Plugins for value list selection from pop-up windows and accelerating automating data entry based on values already entered.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <li class=“L7” >Automatically set by plugin based on values previously entered in record during record editing when applicable.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> </ol> <li class=“L5” >Subfield and Coded Control Field Editing. <ol> <li class=“L6” >Subfield Appearance. <ol> <li class=“L7” >Controlled by subfield or coded control field appearance setting in framework.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L7” >Automatically set by framework plugin based on values previously entered in record during record editing when applicable.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L6” >Repeatable Subfield Insertion. <ol> <li class=“L7” >No repeatability for original editing.&nbsp; [affects some records, current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L7” >Repeatable subfield insertion.&nbsp; [required for MARC compliance] [forthcoming, version 3.0] <li class=“L7” >Insertion of fields set in framework to not appear in editor.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <li class=“L7” >Insertion of field/subfields group set in framework.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L6” >Subfield Order. <ol> <li class=“L7” >Simple alphabetic subfield order only.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L7” >Field based defaults from framework setting.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <li class=“L7” >User modifiable per record subfield order.&nbsp; [required for MARC compliance] [forthcoming, version 3.0] </ol> <li class=“L6” >Values Entry Guidance. <ol> <li class=“L7” >Value list selection from pop-up windows.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L7” >Plugins for value list selection from pop-up windows and accelerating automating data entry based on values already entered.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L7” >Bibliographic Entry from Authority Records. <ol> <li class=“L8” >Search of authority records in pop-up window to select heading from only one authorised field/subfield combination heading from pop-up window.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <ol> <li class=“L9” >Search match against tracings finds authorised heading. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L7” >Automatically set by plugin based on values previously entered in record during record editing when applicable.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> </ol> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L3” >Guided Forms Based Record Editing Without Frameworks (applicable to non-.MARC Koha data structure records). <ol> <li class=“L4” >Form Design. <ol> <li class=“L5” >Tabbed form.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L5” >Automatically paged.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L4” >Field Editing. <ol> <li class=“L5” >Linking to electronic documents including internet resources. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L3” >Text Based Record Editing. <ol> <li class=“L4” >Fixed field guidance.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <li class=“L4” >Indicator guidance.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <li class=“L4” >Free form text editor.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] </ol> <li class=“L3” >Record Editing Formats. <ol> <li class=“L4” >MARC Formats. <ol> <li class=“L5” >MARC 21. <ol> <li class=“L6” >MARC 21 Record Formats. <ol> <li class=“L7” >MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data. <ol> <li class=“L8” >Prepackaged Frameworks. <ol> <li class=“L9” >Index Grouping for Administrative Catalogue and OPAC.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <ol> <li class=“L10” >Prepackaged defaults. </ol> <li class=“L9” >Hyperlinking for Administrative Catalogue and OPAC. <ol> <li class=“L10” >Prepackaged defaults.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] </ol> <li class=“L9” >Field, Indicator, and Subfield Appearance in Editor. <ol> <li class=“L10” >Media Type Defaults.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L11” >Prepackaged defaults. <li class=“L11” >Automatically changed by plugin based on values entered in editor. <ol> <li class=“L12” >Prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L10” >Encoding Level Defaults. <ol> <li class=“L11” >Automatically changed by plugin based on values entered in editor.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L12” >Prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L10” >Library Type Prepackaged Default Frameworks. <ol> <li class=“L11” >Small public or school library type using DDC.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L11” >Other library types.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L8” >Value List Selection from Pop-Up Windows. <ol> <li class=“L9” >Prepackaged default value lists for several fields, indicators, and subfields.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <li class=“L9” >Prepackaged default value lists for all fields, indicators, and subfields.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <li class=“L9” >Automatically changed by plugin based on values entered in editor.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L10” >Prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L8” >Plugins for Value Lists and Accelerating Data Entry.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L9” >Prepackaged default plugins for several fields and subfields. </ol> <li class=“L8” >Holdings Fields Usage. <ol> <li class=“L9” >French Recommendation 995 Based Holdings. <ol> <li class=“L10” >Local use holdings fields adapted from French Recommendation 995.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] </ol> <li class=“L9” >MARC 21 Holdings Fields. <ol> <li class=“L10” >Direct use of MARC 21 standard holdings fields.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L7” >MARC 21 Format for Authority Data. <ol> <li class=“L8” >Prepackaged Frameworks. <ol> <li class=“L9” >Index Grouping for Editor and Administrative Catalogue. <ol> <li class=“L10” >Prepackaged defaults.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] </ol> <li class=“L9” >Field, Indicator, and Subfield Appearance in Editor. <ol> <li class=“L10” >Authority Type Defaults.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L11” >Automatically changed by plugin based on values entered in editor. <ol> <li class=“L12” >Prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L10” >Encoding Level Defaults. <ol> <li class=“L11” >Automatically changed by plugin based on values entered in editor.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L12” >Prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L10” >Library Type Prepackaged Default Frameworks. <ol> <li class=“L11” >Small public or school library type using DDC.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L11” >Other library types.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L8” >Value List Selection from Pop-Up Windows. <ol> <li class=“L9” >Prepackaged default value lists for several fields, indicators, and subfields.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <li class=“L9” >Prepackaged default value lists for all fields, indicators, and subfields.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <li class=“L9” >Automatically changed by plugin based values entered in editor.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L10” >Prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L7” >MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data. <ol> <li class=“L8” >Holdings fields may be edited in linked bibliographic record.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L8” >Holdings record, unused by Koha, editing possible after specifying user definable framework.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L8” >Direct use of holdings record with prepackaged framework.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L7” >MARC 21 Format for Classification Data. <ol> <li class=“L8” >Classification record, unused by Koha, editing possible after specifying user definable framework.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L8” >Direct use of classification record with prepackaged framework.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L7” >MARC 21 Format for Community Information. <ol> <li class=“L8” >Community record, unused by Koha, editing possible after specifying user definable framework.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L8” >Direct use of community record with prepackaged framework.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> </ol> <li class=“L6” >MARC 21 Character Sets.&nbsp; <a href=“ABCDLSSM2CS”>[see Library Standards Support]</a> </ol> <li class=“L5” >UNIMARC. <ol> <li class=“L6” >UINMARC Record Formats. <ol> <li class=“L7” >UNIMARC Bibliographic Format. <ol> <li class=“L8” >Prepackaged Frameworks. <ol> <li class=“L9” >Index Grouping for Adminstrative Catalogue and OPAC. <ol> <li class=“L10” >Prepackaged defaults.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] </ol> <li class=“L9” >Field, Indicator, and Subfield Appearance in Editor. <ol> <li class=“L10” >Media Type Defaults. <ol> <li class=“L11” >Prepackaged defaults.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L11” >Automatically changed by plugin based on values entered in editor.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L12” >Prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L10” >Encoding Level Defaults. <ol> <li class=“L11” >Automatically changed by plugin using values selected in editor.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L12” >Prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L10” >Library Type Prepackaged Default Frameworks. <ol> <li class=“L11” >Small public or school library type using DDC.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L11” >Other library types.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L8” >Value List Selection from Pop-Up Windows. <ol> <li class=“L9” >Prepackaged default value lists for several fields, indicators, and subfields.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <li class=“L9” >Prepackaged default value lists for all fields, indicators, and subfields.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <li class=“L9” >Automatically changed by plugins based on values entered in in editor.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L10” >Prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L8” >Plugins for Value Lists and Accelerating Data Entry. <ol> <li class=“L9” >Prepackaged default plugins for several fields and subfields.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] </ol> <li class=“L8” >Holdings Fields Usage. <ol> <li class=“L9” >French Recommendation 995 Based Holdings. <ol> <li class=“L10” >Local use holdings fields adapted from French Recommendation 995.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L10” >Standard usage for all French Recommendation 995 subfields and coded values.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L9” >UNIMARC Holdings Fields. <ol> <li class=“L10” >Direct use of UNIMARC standard holdings fields.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L7” >UNIMARC Authorities. <ol> <li class=“L8” >Prepackaged Frameworks. <ol> <li class=“L9” >Index Grouping for Editor and Administrative Catalogue. <ol> <li class=“L10” >Prepackaged defaults.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] </ol> <li class=“L9” >Field, Indicator, and Subfield Appearance in Editor. <ol> <li class=“L10” >Authority Type Defaults. <ol> <li class=“L11” >Prepackaged defaults for standard authority headings.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L11” >Automatically changed by plugin based on values entered in editor.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L12” >Prepackaged plugins. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L10” >Encoding Level Defaults. <ol> <li class=“L11” >Automatically changed by plugin based on values entered in editor.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L12” >Prepackaged defaults. </ol> </ol> <li class=“L10” >Library Type Prepackaged Default Frameworks. <ol> <li class=“L11” >Small public or school library type using DDC.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L11” >Other library types.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L8” >Value List Selection from Pop-Up Windows. <ol> <li class=“L9” >Prepackaged default value lists for several fields, indicators, and subfields.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version 3.0] <li class=“L9” >Prepackaged default value lists for all fields, indicators, and subfields.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <li class=“L9” >Automatically changed by plugin based on values entered in editor.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] <ol> <li class=“L10” >Prepackaged defaults. </ol> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L7” >UNIMARC Holdings Format. <ol> <li class=“L8” >Holdings fields may be edited in linked bibliographic record.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L8” >Holdings record, unused by Koha, editing possible after specifying user definable framework.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L8” >Direct use of holdings record with prepackaged framework.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> <li class=“L7” >UNIMARC Classification Format. <ol> <li class=“L8” >Classification record, unused by Koha, editing possible after specifying user definable framework.&nbsp; [current, version 2.2.3] <li class=“L8” >Direct use of classification record with prepackaged framework.&nbsp; [forthcoming, version unspecified] </ol> </ol> <li class=“L6” >UNIMARC Character Sets.&nbsp; <a href=“ABCDLSSUCS”>[see Library Standards Support]</a> </ol> </ol> <li class=“L4” >Non-MARC.&nbsp; <a href=“ABCDLSSNM”>[see Library Standards Support]</a> </ol> </ol>

en/marc_implementation.txt · Last modified: 2006/05/12 02:37 by thd
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