Koha Wiki Contributors' Namespace Tutorial

This tutorial describes how to add new pages within appropriate namespaces to facilitate finding the content of your new page and to identify your new page for translation.

Moving pages in a manner which does not break old and external links is described. Moving pages is needed to correct the jumble of pages which have not followed namespace usage. Adding heading titles to pages lacking them to allow for descriptive navigation is also described.

Namespaces Generally.

Namespaces represent major content categories and appear in the wiki URLs separated by colons preceding the pagename selected.

Koha Wiki Namespace Types.

The Koha wiki has both top level language and subsidiary subject namespaces.

Language Code Namespaces.

Top level language code namespaces follow the two letter language codes from the former ISO 639-1 language code standard which is most widely adopted on the internet. The two letter codes are codes such as en for English and fr for French.

If you need to add a code for a language which is not in two letter code list, then use the three letter code from current ISO 639-2 standard.

A table of both code lists is available from the Library of Congress which maintains the current ISO 639-2 standard, Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages.

Subject Namespaces.

Underneath top level language code namespaces are subject namespaces in a classified hierarchy. Subject namespaces allow grouping similar content together so that it may be found more easily.

Translators merely need to reproduce the subject namespace hierarchy under their respective language code namespace and translate the content. Finding content in a particular language then merely requires changing the language code in the URL.

Creating New Pages.

Title Headings.

Include an initial heading for your new page before any other content.

======Title of Your New Page======

This title will appear instead of the wiki pagename for your new page in wiki navigation links.

Please include a brief summary of the page content if needed.

Linking from Existing Namespaces.

Create a point of access to your new page in the index page for the namespace page under which your new page is being created to allow the content to be easily found.

Brief summary of your new page.

Creating New Namespaces and New Pages within New Namespaces.

In the page for the namespace under which you want to add a new namespace, add a link to the namespace which you want to create. A leading dot and a trailing colon should be used. The trailing colon is a short form representation for the index page which uses start as the index pagename under the namespace by default in DokuWiki.

Ceating a link from the namespace above your new namespace allows the index page of your new namespace to be easily found.

Brief summary of your new namespace.

Follow the link to your new namespace and create the index page by adding some content including relative links without the full namespace path to any new pages under the new namespace. Creating a title for your new namespace in an initial heading allows the title to appear automatically in simple links which do not set a title within the link.

======Title of Your New Namespace======

Brief summary of the function of your new namespace.

======Section Title for Some Content.======

Brief summary of your new page.

Follow the link to your new page and add some content.

======Title of Your New Page======

Brief summary of your new page.

======Section Title for Some Content.======

Some useful content.

[If you change your mind about what pages to create, then simply delete the content and save your new page with empty content. Saving an empty page removes the page from the wiki, although, the page history would remain if the page is later recreated.]

Linking from Various Places Within the Wiki.

Links from intermediate namespace pages to ordinary pages should only include the namespaces between that intermediate namespace and the pagename undernearth it. The intermediate namespace path should start with a dot to identify the current namespace.

Brief summary of your destination page.

Links from intermediate namespace pages to namespace index pages should only include the namespaces between that intermediate namespace and the pagename undernearth it. The intermediate namespace path should start with a dot to identify the current namespace. The path should end with a colon for the namespace index page unless you specify the index page iteself under the namespace which would be start by default in DokuWiki.

Brief summary of your destination namespace.

Links from a different namespace path to a different branch in the hierarchy of namespaces should start with the top level language code namespace and include a leading colon before the language code.

Brief summary of your destination page.

Moving Pages within the Wiki.

When moving complete page content which might break old links including external links to the wiki page, use the following procedure to avoid breaking old links. Recreate the old page in a new properly ordered location within the namespace hierarchy. Replace the content of the page in the previous content location with new content having the title Content Moved as its initial heading and include a link to the new page in the wiki where the content has been moved. Give the full path to the new page location for the content in the title section of the link allowing everyone to see where the content has moved at a glance instead of merely the title of the moved content.

======Content Moved.======

Content moved to
for namespace usage.

Care when Moving Pages.

Be certain that all the needed namespaces spearated by colons in the URL already have pages for the namespaces themselves or create the namespace pages as described in the “Creating New Namespaces” section so that the namespaces have access point pages to the content underneath them.

Pages Missing Titles.

Include an initial heading for pages which are missing them.

======Descriptive Title======

This title will appear instead of the wiki pagename for the page in wiki navigation links.

DokuWiki Syntax Information.

Formatting Syntax contains an explanetory summary of DokuWiki syntax generally.

* Page Names describes DokuWiki pagenames and their syntax in detail.

* Namespace describes Dokuwiki namespaces and their syntax in detail.

Syntax Hint.

If line breaks do not occur as expected in text content, they may be forced with the following DokuWiki syntax.

line 1\\
line 2
en/wiki/namespace_tutorial.txt · Last modified: 2009/10/07 01:32 by thd
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