Koha-Tools is a collection of programs, scripts and whatnot that relate to the Koha ILS software, but do not really belong as part of the main Koha system.
These bits and pieces includes among other things:
A set of custom reports ( with a fancy overdue notice generator. )
An alternative fine generator for Koha that creates fines for an item when it is returned instead of creating many small fines each night.
WordPress plugin to add a catalog search field to a wordpress site for searching a Koha catalog.
A firefox plugin for Librarians, it displays data about how many items have been checked out in different time periods. Includes a daemon that generates the data the plugin displays.
An Offline Circulation module, so that librarians can still issue and return items even if the Koha server goes offline.
A set of scripts for importing data into Koha from the Winnebago ILS software.
Project Info Page: http://kylehall.info/index.php/projects/koha-tools/
Sourceforge Page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/koha-tools/