Example /etc/koha.conf file entries


Please note the final line (includes=path) - The path entry can be used as an alternative to manually editing the path in Output.pm file (see INSTALL manual).

Example apache httpd.conf entries Koha makes extensive use of Server Side Includes (SSI):

: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/mod_include.html If your page headers and footers do not show, then you may need to re-configure your web server.

Here is an example of entries suitable for Apache httpd.conf:

<VirtualHost 111.222.333.1>
   ServerName koha.example.com
   ServerPath /var/www/library
   DocumentRoot /var/www/library/koha/html
   Alias /images/ "/var/www/library/koha/html/images/"
   ScriptAlias  /cgi-bin/koha/ "/var/www/library/koha/cgi-bin/"
   SetEnv PERL5LIB "/var/www/library/modules"
   ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/koha-error_log
   # ======== koha uses Server Side Includes =========
   # Normally here, use the same path as "DocRoot" above
   <Directory "/var/www/library/koha/html">
        AllowOverride None
        # First, you MUST enable +Includes or +IncludesNoExec
        Options +Includes -FollowSymlinks -Indexes
        # Second, you must also configure one of following:
        # 1. server-parsed content (SSI) for files ending in ".html"
        AddHandler server-parsed .html
            # ...OR... (not "AND" !!!!)...
            # 2. Allow SSI if executable bit set using "XBitHack"
            # XBitHack on|off|full
            # XBitHack on - any file that has the user-execute bit
            # - set will be treated as a server-parsed html doc. 
            # - The "full" = "on" but, in addition, will test the
            # - group-execute bit. If the group execute bit is set
            # - then the Last-modified date of the returned file
            # - is sent. If group-execute bit is not set, then no
            # - last-modified date is sent.
	    # - Setting this bit allows clients and proxies to
	    # - cache the result of the request!
            # For example, enable XBitHack (on) if you want to
            # - include non-executable content in documents like:
            #   <!--#include virtual="/includes/footer.inc" -->
            #   <!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/counter.pl" -->
            # XBitHack on
            # Remember - do not use XBitHack if using AddHandler!

<VirtualHost 111.222.333.1>
    ServerName opac.example.com
    ServerPath /var/www/library
    DocumentRoot /var/www/library/opac/html
    Alias /images/ "/var/www/library/opac/html/images/"
    ScriptAlias  /cgi-bin/opac/ "/var/www/library/opac/cgi-bin/"
    SetEnv PERL5LIB "/var/www/library/modules"
    ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/opac-error_log
    <Directory "/var/www/library/opac/html">
            AllowOverride None
            Options +Includes -FollowSymLinks -Indexes
	    AddHandler server-parsed .html

Read your web server docs for more information about how Server Side Includes work.

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kohahints.txt · Last modified: 2006/04/04 09:23 (external edit)
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