Here is a way to make simple barcodes

  1. First get Gnu/Barcodes; it's in Ubuntu repositories under barcode.
  2. Determine what numbers you want to generate.
  3. example: 32220500000000 to 32220500000099
  4. from bash prompt$ mkdir barcodes
  5. from bash prompt$ cd barcodes
  6. from bash prompt$ seq 32220500000000 32220500000099 >number_seq.txt
  7. from bash prompt$ barcode -i number_seq.txt -o -u β€œin” -t β€œ4×12” -e code39

the above will print to an outfile in the barcode directory called

open the .ps file with a ghostscript viewer and do a file print from the viewer. Print to a .pdf file

=, re-v,08-18-09 =

make_barcodes.txt · Last modified: 2009/10/11 09:16 by re-v
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