Table of Contents
                  Koha to MARC field mapping
From biblio table:

-title 245 a -subtitle 245 b -unititle 246 a ??? -serial not mapped -seriestitle 440 a -copyrightdate 245 f (or g?) and what is the format? -notes 500 a (maybe set $3 to 'biblio'?) -author 100 a,b,c,d additional author 700 a,b,c,d (set $e to 'author') subject 650 a

From biblioitems table:

-biblionumber 090 c -biblioitemnumber 090 d -volume 440 v -number 440 n classification (I'm not sure this is used in Koha anymore?) -itemtype 852 k (call number prefix) -isbn 020 a -issn 022 a -dewey 082 a -subclass 852 m (call number suffix) -place 260 a (Place of publication) -publishercode 260 b (Name of publisher, distributor) -publicationyear 260 c (Date of Publication) volumedata volumeddesc -illus 700 a,b,c,d (set $e to 'illustrator') -pages 300 a -size 300 c -notes 500 a (maybe set $3 to 'biblioitems'?) -lccn 010 a

From items table:

-itemnumber 890 c -barcode 852 p -dateaccessioned 876 d (date acquired) -booksellerid 876 e -homebranch 876 b -holdingbranch 876 l (temporary location) -price 876 c (cost) replacementprice 876 c? (cost) replacementpricedate 876 d? (date acquired) datelastborrowed datelastseen multivolume stack -notforloan 506 or 876 h -itemlost 876 j (item status) -wthdrawn 876 j (item status) bulk issues renewals reserves -restricted 506 a restrictions on access for all items,

                        or 876 h for item specific restrictions?

binding itemnotes 876 z (public note) 876 x (nonpublic note) interim

marckohamap.txt · Last modified: 2006/04/04 09:23 (external edit)
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