Monitoring the collections

Items that have been borrowed [OPTIONS : any number of times / 0 times / 1 to 5 times / 6 to 10 times / 11 to 20 times / more than 20 times] in the last [OPTIONS : anytime / week / month / 3 months / 6 months / year / 2 years]

Set Limits :

Note : the system should be able to provide both for a raw number (result) and a list of items. As far as the list of items is concerned, it could be a good idea to provide for a standard display and also to provide for the librarian to set a list of fields if the standard display doesn't suit his (her) needs.

Standard display, I would suggest :

Sort by : class number = default display?

The system should be able to export the list of items in CSV format, so as to allow the librarian to import it in Excel or any other spreadsheet.


Set limits :

Monitoring the public

Total number of patrons in the database; sort by [OPTIONS : categories of rights granted to patrons / other categories of patrons (e.g. ethnies] / age ranges of patrons / sex of patrons]

Average number of borrowings by patron in last 12 months. Set limits:

Total number of active patrons (1 borrowing at least in the last 12 months); sort by [OPTIONS : categories of rights granted to patrons / other categories of patrons (e.g. ethnies] / age ranges of patrons / sex of patrons]

Average number of borrowings by active patron in last 12 months. Set limits:

Total number of patrons newly registered in the last [OPTIONS : month / year]

Total number of patrons that re-registered in the last [OPTIONS : month / year]

Number of patrons sorted by geographical categories (for instance, in a public library : from different areas in the county, for a list of neighbouring counties, other)

Monitoring the back-office work


Items bought in the last budget year : Set limits :

Pulping of documents during the last budget year: Set limits :

reportfeatures.txt · Last modified: 2006/04/04 09:23 (external edit)
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