Procedure for transferring Spydus borrower data to Koha
LIST BRW.DETAILS F3 F2 F1 F38 F39 F6 F39 F11 F9 F56 F68 F69 F22 F69 F27 F26 BD.DOB F5 F4 BD.ENRDATE F43 F44 F45 F17 F50 F21 F30 F65 F36 F37 F58 F15 BD.EDATE F51 F64 F61 F10 F48 F7 F24 F8 BD.ID F16 F62 HDR-SUPP COL-HDR-SUPP NOPAGE
(log to file 'messages' in directory where script resides.)
(log to file 'debars' in directory where script resides.)
(log to file 'moved' in directory where script resides.)
mysql> USE Koha; mysql> SET AUTOCOMMIT=1; # Used for quick re-create of the table mysql> DELETE FROM borrowers; mysql> LOAD DATA INFILE “brwdata” INTO TABLE borrowers FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '”';