Option 2: Manual Configuration If you so desire, you can follow the standard installation route by following the Step By Step directions…

Option 2: Manual Koha Installation If you are comfortable with Unix system configuration and installation, it is possible to perform the installation steps manually. This is recommended only in situations where you have difficulties with the installer, or have a need for a custom configuration that is not covered by the options of the installer.

To successfully setup Koha in this configuration, you will need to insure you the necessary components – the customary selections for these supporting tools are listed in parentheses:

A webserver (Apache).

MySQL, the database application.

Perl and the associated modules:





AuthenDBI (if you want to use Database based authentication)

CDK (for the telnet interface not nessecary if you plan to use the web based circulation module) also requires installation of the C CDK libraries http://www.vexus.ca/CDK.html (currently, the CDK Module has problems )

The Koha project has a “bundle” at CPAN to make the module install process easier. You can just run perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::KohaSupport'. If you're a perl novice you can check out the documentation on getting material from CPAN at http://search.cpan.org/author/ANDK/CPAN-1.63/lib/CPAN.pm .]

Examples of the koha.conf and httpd.conf (for virtual hosts configuration) files and the commands for database creation with various databases can be found in the downloadable Koha tarball and the appendices for this manual.

newsectiononeb.txt · Last modified: 2006/04/04 09:23 (external edit)
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